Af baráttu gegn kynþáttafordómum!

Ég ákvað að setja hér inn fréttatilkynningu frá ECRI til þess að vekja athygli þeirra sem kynnu að vilja fræðast um það sem menn eru að fást við annars staðar og snertir ekki kreppuna hér á landi. Óhætt er að fullyrða að efnahgasástandið í Evrópu hefur leitt til meiri stóryrða í garð innflytjenda, hælisleitenda og annarra slíkra en áður þó að varlegt sé að fullyrða kynþáttafordómar hafi aukist, eða hitt birtingarform þeirra ofbeldið. Evrópuráðið sem er útvörður mannréttinda í Evrópu hefur það markmið að aðildarríki þess verði laus við kynþáttafordóma.  Að undanförnu hefur athyglin einkum snúið að þeirri lúmsku birtingarmynd fordóma að fólk situr í raun ekki við sama borð þegar kemur að atvinnu, búsetu, menntun, heilbrigðisþjónustu og þess háttar þó að löggjöf sé á yfirborðinu hin besta.

Tilefni fréttatilkynningarinnar eru skýrslur um Tékkland, Grikkland og Sviss. Tékkar hafa bætt löggjöf sína og sett inn harðari ákvæði gegn kynþáttafordómum.  Grikkir sömuleiðis og gert refsingu harðari ef mótív glæps er rasismi.  Svisslendingar hafa reynt að taka á hægri bullum í pólitískri umræðu.



The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) released today three new reports examining racism, xenophobia, antisemitism and intolerance in the Czech Republic, Greece and Switzerland. The Chair of ECRI, Eva Smith Asmussen, said the reports note positive developments in all three of these Council of Europe member states, but also detail continuing grounds for concern.


In the Czech Republic, a new criminal code was adopted in 2008, containing more extensive provisions against racism. In recent years the Ombudsman has carried out detailed investigations into cases of possible discrimination against the Roma. Steps have been taken to adjust the education system so as better to meet the needs of socially disadvantaged children.  At the same time, however, there has been a disturbing intensification in the activities of extreme right-wing groups. Most victims of racially motivated offences are reported to be Roma. Little progress has been made towards improving the situation of the Roma, who face segregation in schools and housing and discrimination in employment. The issue of forced sterilisations of Roma women has not been adequately addressed yet. REPORT


In Greece, the legislative framework on non-discrimination has been consolidated with the adoption of the 2005 Equal Treatment Act and the 2008 amendment of the Criminal Code making the racist motivation of an offence an aggravating circumstance. In an encouraging development, there have been successful prosecution in recent years against antisemitic and anti-Roma publications. However, on the whole, the legislation prohibiting incitement to racial hatred is still seldom applied and so far, few racial discrimination complaints have been filed due to insufficient legal assistance and information on available remedies. Roma continue to face problems in the fields of employment, housing and justice and the existing Integrated Action Plan should be better implemented. Issues relating to the freedom of association of persons belonging to some ethnic groups have not yet been solved. Significant improvements are called for in the treatment of refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants. REPORT


In Switzerland, measures have been taken to foster the integration of immigrants in areas such as employment, housing and health. The federal bodies in charge of racism and migration have continued to raise awareness on racism and racial discrimination. Steps have been taken to combat right-wing extremism. However, there has been a dangerous growth of racist political discourse against non-citizens, Muslims, Black people and other minorities. Legislation is insufficiently developed to deal with direct racial discrimination, which targets in particular Muslims and persons from the Balkans, Turkey and Africa. Travellers and Yenish communities with an itinerant life style are still faced with a shortage of stopping sites and prejudice leading to instances of discrimination. Legislation governing asylum seekers has been tightened and hostility towards them has increased. REPORT



The reports are part of ECRI´s 4th monitoring round, which focuses on the implementation of its previous recommendations and the evaluation of policies and new developments since its last report. In two years time ECRI will carry out a follow up assesment.


ECRI is an independent human rights body of the Council of Europe which monitors problems of racism and intolerance, prepares reports and issues recommendations to member states.

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1 Smámynd: Alexander Kristófer Gústafsson

Nei þeir hafa ekki bætt löggjöfina, lög sem banna "haturáróðurs" eru heft á tjáningafrelsi, öll lög sem tengjast hatursglæpum ættu að vera afnuminn og dæmdt sem venjulegir glæpir

Alexander Kristófer Gústafsson, 23.9.2009 kl. 23:37

2 Smámynd: Alexander Kristófer Gústafsson

Baráttan við kynþáttafordóma gengur út á  að tortíma vestræna menningu(með fjölmenningu og innflytjendaflóði frá 3 heims ríkjum)

Alexander Kristófer Gústafsson, 23.9.2009 kl. 23:42

3 Smámynd: Alexander Kristófer Gústafsson

Ecri virðist líka hafa eitthvað á móti hvítu fólki eins og flestar anti-rasistar stofanir sem hafa áráttu að finna "rasista" og ofsækja hvít fólk , Ecri samtökinn eru líka viðbjóður sem þar að tortíma

Alexander Kristófer Gústafsson, 23.9.2009 kl. 23:43

4 Smámynd: Gunnlaugur B Ólafsson

Svona athugasemdum myndi ég bara henda út, kæri Baldur. Þetta er mengandi innlegg í þarfa umræðu. Mbk, G

Gunnlaugur B Ólafsson, 24.9.2009 kl. 00:20

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